Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun & Friends

Chris and I took Caleb down to the beach on Sunday for a bike ride along the lake. We stopped and let him get his toes in the sand and run around for a bit. He threw the BIGGEST fit we've ever seen when it was time to go. People probably thought we were baby snatchers they way we were hurrying trying to get him in the seat and take off. Don't ask me why, but on Monday I had the bright idea to go for round two. We went back to the beach but took along a few supplies, or what I like to call distractions, his bubbles and trucks. He just played and played and played. Then when it was time to go he got in his seat and didn't make a peep. Success!

Digging a road for his trucks

Skyline view from the Lighthouse, Chris said "This almost makes it worth going through winter here."

Love baby toes, especially in the sand

Thanks to Daddy, now we don't like getting dirty

Nice walk on the beach

Cool benches that are painted

Today the playgroup Moms had a bridal shower for me. We have such good friends in our neighborhood! Caleb LOVES all the kids to play with and is totally wiped out when we get home. We had lots of good food, fun games and awesome gifts! A big thanks to all my girls who helped put it together. Much appreciated! Chris had to come and help us bring everything home in the wagon, luckily we were just around the block.

Amanda made the centerpiece with the tupperware and cupcake holder we had on our registry. She's so creative! She filled the containers with cupcake ingredients.

Caleb helping me with presents. He was really looking for food, it was lunch time.


Amanda and Brighton

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