Monday, April 25, 2011

Eggs! Candy! Sunshine!

What a GREAT weekend we had! Saturday was full of sunshine and warm weather. We colored a few eggs that morning for the Easter Egg hunt. Hopefully next year it will be more fun because Caleb just wanted to drink the dye and could care less about the eggs that were laying around in the yard to find. He just wanted to blow the bubbles he got in his Easter basket. Yes, he got his Easter basket Saturday because I can not hold off on giving presents. I get too excited. O'well, Chris and I had fun coloring the eggs and eating Caleb's candy. Later in the afternoon we went a LONG bikeride along the lake, it was so nice to not have winter jackets on. I'm probably going to be chastised for saying this but it was nice to wake up Sunday morning and not have to get dressed up and rush around trying to make it to church on time. We had a good breakfast and went to the park and played all morning. We even did a little bouldering on the climbing wall the park had. Caleb was going down the slide by himself, on his belly! He's such a daredevil, and it's scary. Once he found the sandbox though it was all over. He loves gettting dirty and making a mess. Chris hates it and was following him around the park brushing him off whenever he fell or got dirty. He is going to love it when we go on vacation in 6 weeks, not that I'm counting down, and he has all the sand he can handle. Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend!
They're looking for four leafed clovers. Caleb will do whatever Daddy is doing!

How about I knock these off the counter with the tongs?

Our masterpieces, Mommy, Daddy, Caleb, Caleb's 1st Egg, My Mom is Hot & Lilly Stinks!


You want me to pick all these up....No thanks!

More bubbles!

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