Monday, April 18, 2011

Busy Busy Busy....

We headed down south this past weekend. There was a lot on our agenda for the small amount of time we were there. Chris and I had a few wedding vendors to meet, pictures to take and cake to taste. Luckily everything went smoothley. Now if June 11th will go that way as well we will be all set. We also had our nephews 1st Birthday party to attend. It was a big hit, Caleb loves being around little kids and there were plenty there. Also, Uriah (birthday boy) got a pony for his birthday. I'll say it again...a pony.....for his 1st birthday! He is head over heels for Solo (ponys name) and Caleb screams bloody murder if you get him near a horse. So he wasn't to excited about that. After the fiesta Chris and I had a double date planned. We went to Thunder over Louisville with my sister and Mario. It was quite the adventure getting there, and coming back. The firework show was pretty awesome though! The weather today at my Moms is supposed to be 80, and we woke up to snow on the ground. Bummer! We are making the best of it though. What else can you do? What's that you say? Move? Exactly what I was thinking....

Caleb and Erin playing around at Lucilles

Birthday boy and his Mommy! It was a Mexican themed party.

His Ice Cream cake, I don't think he liked the cold!

Caleb kissing on his cousin Rayleigh. Can't take this kid anywhere.

Uriah getting his pony Solo!

Amy and Mario at Thunder

Chris and I at Thunder

Our view

It was a really good weekend. It went by way to fast and now it's back to reality. We've got a few races to run and walks to walk for the fight against cancer, and a couple parties planned for May. Then it's wedding and vacation time. I'm counting down the days. If it's still cold in Chicago by then, I just might have a new address.

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