Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Muffin Tops and Mamaw

Ugh, this past weekend I feel like all we did was eat and eat and eat! Chris was craving tacos and I was craving a cerveza so we hit up our favorite taco joint in Evanston, The Little Mexican Cafe! Needless to say it was a success and I slept well. Caleb loves their rice because it has peas, corn and carrots in it. He struggles a little eating it with a spork so we let him be a barbarian for the evening and eat with his hands. Who am I kidding, we let him eat with his hands at every meal. Just in public we pretend to be good parents and stick a utensil in his hand. The next couple days were followed with basketball (dang it Butler!), and some home cookin! Spaghetti with home-made meatballs, fried chicken and mashed potatoes (which I must say Chris can throw some mashed potatoes down in the kitchen). Basically what we did this weekend, as I wriggled getting into my jeans this morning, was get a brand new set of Muffin Tops for us all. With a very important event coming up in a couple months this is not the route I need to be going.

Caveman Caleb eating at LMC and loading up on meatballs

Luckily Mamaw was here to save the day! Caleb absolutely adores his Mamaw and the way he loves on her, follows her around and cries when she leaves is a little unnerving to me. He could care less where I'm at or if I'm even there half the time. I guess I get it though, I've been known to ALMOST cry when she leaves a few times myself! It was a short trip, but we had fun playing games, reading books and gossipping like old ladies, about Muffin Tops!

Caleb, Mamaw and their books!

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