Sunday, May 15, 2011

Me, Myself and a little Caleb

We had Girls Night this past Thursday at the Little Mexican Cafe. It was so nice to have adult conversations, eat dinner and it actually still be hot when you took that first bite and not worry about hands a faces to wash afterwards. We did a pretty good job of keeping our little ones out of the conversation as well. A lot harder than you'd think but we got the job done. It was fun seeing the other side of the Mommies too, and meeting new friends along the way. The asterisk means their ego is prego! :)

Mindy, Catherine *, Amanda *, Me, Mackenzie and Marla

Me, Mackenzie and Marla
Mindy, Catherine and Amanda

 Caleb has discovered a few new things. He just figured out that he can stick tihngs under his chin and carry them around. So naturally that's where everything goes these days. He's tried his cars, pens, the remote and last night at dinner he tried his quesadilla. He's getting pretty good at it. Eventually he won't need his hands for anything, who does when you've got a massive grip with your chin? We are working on Lilly's leash now so he can take her on walks himself. He also likes to hide in the cabinets while I'm cooking dinner. He'll climb in, shut the door and I'll start calling for him like I don't know where he is. He finds this hillarious for some reason and you can hear him giggling inside the cabinet. Then he checks to see if I'm looking and then slams the door open as hard as he can and jumps out. This is apparently the best thing that's ever happened to him, I have to admitt I think it's pretty fun too!

He's very serious about this in the bath tub               Okay, not so much! :)
Where's Caleb!?!

Meet the Rubb Runners! I did the race for brain cancer this weekend at Soldier Field. We were up and at em' EARLY that morning, no 5:30 a.m. I didn't do too bad. I got 16th for my age group, don't ask I'm not telling, out of 140 and finished 228th out of 1,162. My friend Amanda owns Rubb BBQ, the best little BBQ place in town, hence the name Rubb Runners incase you were wondering. Her father fought the fight against cancer, twice, in his life so it was great to have his two daughters (Amanda & Melissa) and his granddaughter (Brighton) at the event and I was proud to be apart of their team. We missed Chris's Walk-N-Roll this year, mainly because I really wanted to sleep in and plus the weather has been really cold again. We were bummed because we really wanted to Roll this year instead of Walk since Caleb loves riding in his seat on the bike. There's always next year.
Me, Amanda, Melissa, Julia and Brighton in the stroller

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