Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rainy Days!

The weather has been coldy and rainy these past few days. We've tried to make the best of it and get out and do anything we can think of to keep entertained. Plus Chris worked from home so we HAD to get out of the house. We went to the Khol's Childrens Museum with our friends Marla and Hana. It was a really cool little place. The kids loved it and got absolutely soaked in their Waterworks exhibit, and it was nap time by this point. Hana kept us entertained on the way home by singing "Wildthing", and "It's My Party & I"ll Cry If I Want To".  Caleb got a pop-up cabana for the beach and to take on vacation that he uses as a tent and a place to store all of his cars. After the big storm yesterday morning we went outside to play in the puddles. Emmit handed down his rainboots that fit Caleb just right, it was the perfect time to try them out. I had to show him how to stomp around in the puddles and he looked at me like "You're really going to let me do this Mom?"

His cabana, only Oso is allowed in there

Monday, May 23, 2011

Purell Anyone?

Let me start off by first saying DO NOT buy tickets to the Animal Expo! What we thought was going to be an educational experience with hands-on exposure to exotic animals turned out to be "Hey if you own a reptile bring it to the mall for everyone to see! We'll throw out some plastic chairs to sit in and charge you for it." Caleb did enjoy it and some of the animals were cool (that they took out of plastic tupperware that they were stored in) so that's all that matters. Definitely wasn't worth the drive or the shower that I had to take. 

Caleb wating patiently

Caleb and I petting....I'm not sure what it was. Looked like a chipmunk.

He was IN LOVE with this prarie dog!

A monkey, wearing a diaper, on a leash. Enough said.

A gigantic yellow snake. We did not trust the "handlers" of the reptiles which is why Chris has a death grip on Caleb's arm.

This guy has a GF with a matching smaller iguana she carried on her shoulder. True Love

Tortuga ride, poor thing was terrified!

They had an abundance of hand sanitizer, which was thoughtful. Amy, he has his pacifier in so he doesn't put unknown obejcts or his hands in his mouth. I'm sure you were wondering! Hopefully we have something more exciting in the weeks to come. Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Me, Myself and a little Caleb

We had Girls Night this past Thursday at the Little Mexican Cafe. It was so nice to have adult conversations, eat dinner and it actually still be hot when you took that first bite and not worry about hands a faces to wash afterwards. We did a pretty good job of keeping our little ones out of the conversation as well. A lot harder than you'd think but we got the job done. It was fun seeing the other side of the Mommies too, and meeting new friends along the way. The asterisk means their ego is prego! :)

Mindy, Catherine *, Amanda *, Me, Mackenzie and Marla

Me, Mackenzie and Marla
Mindy, Catherine and Amanda

 Caleb has discovered a few new things. He just figured out that he can stick tihngs under his chin and carry them around. So naturally that's where everything goes these days. He's tried his cars, pens, the remote and last night at dinner he tried his quesadilla. He's getting pretty good at it. Eventually he won't need his hands for anything, who does when you've got a massive grip with your chin? We are working on Lilly's leash now so he can take her on walks himself. He also likes to hide in the cabinets while I'm cooking dinner. He'll climb in, shut the door and I'll start calling for him like I don't know where he is. He finds this hillarious for some reason and you can hear him giggling inside the cabinet. Then he checks to see if I'm looking and then slams the door open as hard as he can and jumps out. This is apparently the best thing that's ever happened to him, I have to admitt I think it's pretty fun too!

He's very serious about this in the bath tub               Okay, not so much! :)
Where's Caleb!?!

Meet the Rubb Runners! I did the race for brain cancer this weekend at Soldier Field. We were up and at em' EARLY that morning, no 5:30 a.m. I didn't do too bad. I got 16th for my age group, don't ask I'm not telling, out of 140 and finished 228th out of 1,162. My friend Amanda owns Rubb BBQ, the best little BBQ place in town, hence the name Rubb Runners incase you were wondering. Her father fought the fight against cancer, twice, in his life so it was great to have his two daughters (Amanda & Melissa) and his granddaughter (Brighton) at the event and I was proud to be apart of their team. We missed Chris's Walk-N-Roll this year, mainly because I really wanted to sleep in and plus the weather has been really cold again. We were bummed because we really wanted to Roll this year instead of Walk since Caleb loves riding in his seat on the bike. There's always next year.
Me, Amanda, Melissa, Julia and Brighton in the stroller

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fun & Friends

Chris and I took Caleb down to the beach on Sunday for a bike ride along the lake. We stopped and let him get his toes in the sand and run around for a bit. He threw the BIGGEST fit we've ever seen when it was time to go. People probably thought we were baby snatchers they way we were hurrying trying to get him in the seat and take off. Don't ask me why, but on Monday I had the bright idea to go for round two. We went back to the beach but took along a few supplies, or what I like to call distractions, his bubbles and trucks. He just played and played and played. Then when it was time to go he got in his seat and didn't make a peep. Success!

Digging a road for his trucks

Skyline view from the Lighthouse, Chris said "This almost makes it worth going through winter here."

Love baby toes, especially in the sand

Thanks to Daddy, now we don't like getting dirty

Nice walk on the beach

Cool benches that are painted

Today the playgroup Moms had a bridal shower for me. We have such good friends in our neighborhood! Caleb LOVES all the kids to play with and is totally wiped out when we get home. We had lots of good food, fun games and awesome gifts! A big thanks to all my girls who helped put it together. Much appreciated! Chris had to come and help us bring everything home in the wagon, luckily we were just around the block.

Amanda made the centerpiece with the tupperware and cupcake holder we had on our registry. She's so creative! She filled the containers with cupcake ingredients.

Caleb helping me with presents. He was really looking for food, it was lunch time.


Amanda and Brighton