Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Three Little Pumpkins...and one on the way!

The holidays are getting more fun every year since Caleb is more interested in the festivities that go along with them. We grabbed some pumpkins at the grocery store and were going to paint them. Then I remembered I only had watercolor paint so that was pointless. Eventually we, well I should say I, ended up carving them while Chris watched football. I was assisted by Caleb of course who has to be right in the middle of everything!

Got the top off..now what Mom?

Found the knife!

Our finished products!

So I thought I'd be the old school Mom who made our Halloween costumes. Let me just say these were supposed to be the easiest costumes to make by hand, and I'm not going to lie they probably were really simple to someone with a sewing machine or any idea of how to use a needle and thread. This was not the case for me. I was venturing through Target grabbing some candy for the kids (which is code for Chris) and what do I see? Fred AND Wilma costumes. Already made, ready to go, for the same price that I paid for all the supplies to make ours. Needlesss to say our costumes will be store bought from now on. At least I tried, and I don't think I failed to bad.

Caleb as Bam Bam                                                   The Flintstones                                    

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