Sunday, November 13, 2011

Salas' at the Circus!

We took off to the AllState Arena today to check out the circus! Chris scored box seats, which was great because Caleb was able to run around and didn't have to sit still in a seat for two hours, from his work. I must confess I'm 28 years old and I have NEVER been to the circus. Chris went when he was little but I figured the times have changed a little since then ;) So it was kinda the first time for all of us. To say the least Caleb absolutely loved it! I think he was overstimulated at one point because he laid down on the floor for a few minutes. Or it could've been from running into the railing and hitting his head. Either way, he was great! There were about a dozen tigers in a cage with a trainer and at one point Chris and I looked at each other thinking "Should we take Caleb out of here?" because they were clawing and roaring at this guy. I thought he was done for. That part ended abruptly and on came the elephants. They seem more lovable and less ravinous than the tigers. They would sit, dance, and lay down. Much more my style!

Waiting for the show to start!

Understand the overstimulation?

I think this was the best part of the show, elephants!

The End!

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