Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time flies....when you're having fun!

It's been forever since I've posted a blog. I will not get into the details of why I haven't moved off the couch for the past 9 weeks because I might not stop, and now is not the time for a pity party. We had visitors every weekend for a month, a couple of months ago, so I'll start with that first. My Dad spent the weekend with us, so we took him to the Harley Davidson Museum in WI. I love Milwaukee and will jump on any chance to go and plus my Dad is a pretty big Harley fan. Caleb loves anything with wheels so it sounded like a good idea. I got to "test drive" a bike myself which was pretty cool. Not to worry it was set on a track so I didn't actually move anywhere. It was a lot of fun and I think we all enjoyed it.

Pap and Caleb on the Harley

 My cousin Jacoby got to come up to the windy city for the firt time. My Aunt and cousins brought him so he wouldn't be bored with just me and Caleb. We did the tourist thing around the city, water taxi, Michigan Ave., Hancock Observatory and the Bean. It was a beautiful day, perfect for shopping and strolling around. I tried to embarass him as much as I could by stopping and making him take pictures with everything. Oh, and Chris even went with us, which is a pretty big deal because he hates downtown. It was fun and he didn't want to leave so that's always a good sign. Plus Caleb loves the company and cried when everyone left. :(

Hancock Observatory

Catherine and Emmit came over one afternoon to make sushi for lunch. The poor lady was craving some sushi and she gave me a kit for my bridal shower so we finally did it. It was pretty fun and the sushi was really good. Mine were HUGE and I wasn't sure how to size them down. Catherine had to show me up with a nice presentation. We made Caleb and Emmit peanut butter and jelly sushi rolls for their lunch. They were so cute. Just a pb&j sandwich rolled up and cut like a sushi roll. We couldn't leave em out!

 Our masterpieces!

 Emmit and Caleb eating their rolls with chopsticks!

Mom came up for her birthday! I was sick with a stomach bug while she was here but being the wonderful daughter that I am I sucked it up and took her to the Botanic Garden. It was a hot miserable day but that place is so beautiful! Caleb ended up getting his head stuck in between these rails in the picture below and we weren't sure how we were going to get him out of there. We thought of butter, but darn the luck we were fresh out. Contimplated removing an ear but all we had was a fingernail file, so we just twisted, tugged and pulled while he screamed and people stared. He might have an ear that sticks out permanently now but we got him out of there. Then mom and I went to lunch, saw a sign for an astrologer and got our palms read just for fun. I'm not gonna tell you what happened when we walked through those doors...all I know is one of us peed on the couch from laughing so hard, got locked in a closet and found prescription drugs. Happy Birthday Mom!

Caleb, me and Mom (pre-head stuck scenario)

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