Monday, July 18, 2011

Here and There

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. We've just been layin low and running around town. Nothing too exciting. For the Fourth of July we went to see our friend Mackenzie play some holiday music at Grant Park. She played with the Chicago Orchestra, we took a blanket and lunch, and had a blast. We weren't to sure how Caleb was going to do because he didn't want to just sit there. Once the music started though he was all ears. He even danced a couple times. Never know, we might have a future band member on our hands.

 Staying occupied with some ice cream
 There's Mackenzie on the right in the white shirt :)

A couple weekends ago we were sick of hanging around the house and took of to Wisconsin. We headed into Milwaukee and went to Summerfest for the day. It's a classier, more kid friendly version of Lallopalooza. They had great food, good music and a kid area. Caleb got to play at the playground, had balloon animals made for him and then run around in the big fountain. They also had music for kids which he loved. The band let him beat their drums. It was a fun day and Milwaukee is a pretty cool little place. 
 A lady warned us she's bad at taking pictures, she tends to cut people out. Point taken!
 Our little hippie baby, no shoes, needs a hair cut and banging on the bongos!
 He refused to run through the water
 So this is what he ended up doing, sending out the vibe!

I love taking pictures of Caleb in the bathtub. If you saw his photo album you would think most of his life was spent in the tub. Chris's back was hurting so he jumped in and turned the jets on. Caleb wouldn't let him go alone so he jumped in too.
My Aunt and her family go camping a lot and they ended up this way. We met up with them at the Indiana Dunes State Park or National Forest I'm not sure which one. Anyways, it's a really nice beach, the same as here but clean, nice people and no bacteria alerts. We spent the day there and it was so HOT. The water was cool and the sand was "hot as blazes" according to Laiken. Caleb played in the sand, splashed in the water and pooped on Laiken. Played some interesting games of "Would You Rather" with Trevor, people watched and just relaxed. It's always nice to get to see family without packing up your life and driving for 5 hours.

 This is the gold gazebo we were supposed to look for amongst 50 other gold gazebos out there :)
We finally got to use Caleb's pop-up cabana and he loved it!

We've got a few visitors coming these next weekends ahead, a race to run with my sister and a wedding to attend so I'm sure we will have more frequent posts in the future. It was nice to relax and stay close to home this past month. 

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