Monday, June 20, 2011

The Salas family meets Myrtle Beach, SC

I had to do a seperate blog from the wedding for our vacation because there were so many pictures to choose from. Guess that's what happens when your baby is so cute right? ;) So, after the wedding Chris, Caleb and myself took off to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. Chris had never been to the ocean on the East Coast and my family vacationed there most of my childhood. So why not start ours there? Caleb did awesome on the 11 hour car ride there, and also on the way back. Well, as good as you can expect from a 16 month old I guess. I had to sit in the back with him most of the time because Chris won't let me drive, but that's another story entirely. The weather was perfect the entire time we were there. We basically just hung out at the beach or one of the nine pools our hotel offered. Once Caleb got used to the ocean I think he prefered it there so he could play in the sand as well. If you dug a hole for him to sit in he would literally just sit there in it. He's a weird one! He met a few friends at the kiddie pool and they shared their trucks with each other. We all took naps at naptime. Chris took us to an awesome Seafood place! We hit up the Aquarium one day to give us a break from the Sun. All in all it was much needed family time and relaxation before we came back to reality. Now we need a vacation from the wedding and vacation!

Boys! Rolling around in the sand

Not sure what he was doing here I just love this picture!

His little truck entourage, Ethan and Landon!

Just sittin' in his hole watchin the people go by

I think he was pooping here ;)

He would chase the water in and let it chase him out

The shark tanks, I love this wacky picture

Caleb checking out the fish!

Rinsing the sand off his feet

Good bye beach!

From Ms. to Mrs. !!

Well....we FINALLY got married! On June 11th, with our family and close friends, we sealed the deal at the winery in Seymour, IN.  Luckily the rain held off so we were able to have our ceremony outside at this gorgeous venue. Just like everyone said, things will go wrong, and they did. If you asked me what they were I couldn't tell you though, ok other than I forgot to get a cake knife and we cut our cake with a black plastic knife. That's it though :) We danced, caught up with old friends, made new ones and drank merrily. From what I've heard and the pictures I've seen I believe everyone else had a good time as well. So THANK YOU to all that joined us and for those that couldn't but sent there well wishes thank you as well! Now that it's over I don't know what to do with all my stress free time!

Pronouncing us Mr. and Mrs. Salas!

Awesome sign my brother made us, can't wait to have a yard to put it in!

Chris and his crew, these guys are SO much fun

My pretty ladies, a couple of em crying already I believe even though I strictly said NO CRYING!

Both of us thinking "Great, what have I done?" I'm kidding!!  :)