Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nothing exciting going on here, but that's a good thing!

As most of you know Caleb started school almost two months ago, wow that went quick, and I also started working at the same place. We have been trying to get into a routine in the evenings as far as dinner, bathes and family time. It's still a work in progress, depending on if Caleb takes a nap that day or not. He is really enjoying his teachers and the new friends he is making. Chris and I both can already seem improvements in his developement. I'm really enjoying my classroom as well and the new co-workers/friends I've made. I wanted to share pictures from Calebs' daily sheets at school but I can't figure out how to copy them over.
Caleb converted over to a toddler bed Friday night. He climbs right in and covers up! He's having trouble taking naps since he can get up and play if he wants but we will get it sooner or later. Hopefully sooner than later because I like to nap when he does.

Caleb snoozing on his first night in the big boy bed

Awhile back, like I said its been awhile since I've blogged, Caleb celebrated his 2nd birthday. He had RSV so his party was cancelled but Memaw and Ava still made the trip up to celebrate. We had a mini party with balloons, games and cupcakes. It was a nice weekend given the circumstances and all the snow we got.
 Eating his cupcake and ice cream

This is just a silly picture I thought I'd share from one moring rushing around trying to get ready. He was supposed to be getting dressed for school and this is what he decided to wear. His pajama top and Daddy's shoes.

This weekend Tyson and Jordan turned 2, Caleb's BFF's! We went to celebrate with them and see some of our friends as well that we've been to busy to get together with. They had a really good birthday and Caleb had fun getting to spend the evening with his old buddies again.
 Caleb and Jordan cruising in Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater
 Gabrielle, Jordan and Caleb checking out the new toys
We came home after the party and played a few games of Ants in A Can and Chutes and Ladders before bed. Caleb is such a cheater!

It was a pretty low key weekend. Lots of family time! Next weekend we travel home to see my family and celebrate Erin's 21st birthday and Papaw Butlers 80th. This will be our first road trip since Caleb has been potty trained, wish us luck and stay tuned for pictures!