Friday, December 30, 2011

New Beginnings! Happy Endings!

We tried things a little differently for Christmas this year. We went to visit my family a week early so we could celebrate Christmas morning at our house and start our traditions. It was bitter sweet. Nice to not be in a million places on Christmas day but a little sad not seeing family. Caleb took his sweet time opening gifts, we made breakfast and then put toys together and played. Next came nap time and before we knew it the day was coming to an end. It was so fun seeing Caleb get excited about what he was uwrapping. And next year we will have twice the fun with two little boys! It was a great ending to the year and we are eager for what the new year has in store for us.
 The first thing he ran to when he walked into the living room!

 Trucks! Trucks! Trucks!

 Buzz, his favorite!

We've got a few exciting things coming for the New Year, another baby boy due at the end of April and I'm starting a job at the end of January teaching at Little Hands Learning Center. I still get to see Caleb everyday and work which is a huge plus for me! Caleb will be turning 2 and he's pretty excited to have his party at the JumpZone with all his cronies! Hopefully a house will be next on the list for us. We don't have that great of luck but that's how we are hoping our new year will start!