Friday, October 7, 2011

Full of Hot Air!

We headed to ABQ this past week for the 40th Annual Balloon Fiesta. Every year they have hot air balloons from all over the country come for a week or so. We took Caleb to the Balloon Glow one evening. They come and set up their balloons and then once it's dark out and all the balloons are inflated they have a count down and all the balloons fire up thing to make the balloons glow all at once. It's so pretty! The fire things are pretty loud and Caleb was a little scared at first, he got used to it though and I think he liked the Balloon Glow best. 

Setting up their balloon

This is the balloon all set up and "glowing"!

Some pilots couldn't hear the countdown so not every balloon is glowing. This is the jist of it though

You can walk around and be right next to the balloons. As you can see it's pretty crowded.

A couple days later we went to the Dawn Patrol in the morning where the balloons actually take flight and come back and land. There were over 300 balloons that morning. You could sit there all day and watch them fly around but Caleb wasn't having it. After a couple of hours he was more interested in the Police Horses than the balloons.

Chris, Me, Caleb and Grandma Salas

Balloons taking off

Balloons coming back

Other than the Balloon Fiesta we ate A LOT of good Mexican food, went to the zoo and got to see a couple of good friends. It was definitely a successfull trip and can't wait to take both kids next a few years that is!