Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What to do....What to do.....

We have really been struggling with this weather. Caleb is dying to get outside to run and climb (his new favorite thing to do) around. Since that isn't an option right now Chris and I took him to the Childrens Museum on Sunday to stretch his legs. He had such a good time, and so did we. We've also signed Caleb up for a few activities that will be starting soon. "The Shrimp" toddlers swim classes on Saturday mornings (so Daddy can take him too) and Barn Yard Fun at Gymboree. Finding things to do inside the house are also becoming a struggle. Toys are getting old, crayons are being ate and stickers are found on the dog. I gave in and let Caleb play dress up with some necklaces, rings and braclets. He loved them! So hopefully by the time our activities are over summer will have made a permanent appearance! Otherwise who knows what Chris will walk in on when he comes home from work.

Climbing everything any way he can...Aunt Amy would be proud!

No matter where we go he's always gettin the ladies

Completely soaked when we left the WaterPark Way

Diggin up Dinosaur bones with Daddy

Chris called him Mr. T

We've got quite a few things planned for the month of April so we will keep everyone updated on what's going on around the Salas household.